Interactive mapping for Enfield Council
gi Perspective were commissioned to produce an interactive map to support the London Borough of Enfield Council’s Local Plan, allowing users to search for an address and find the relevant policies. All policies on the map are hyperlinked to their relevant document to allow users to read up on Core Strategy, Development Management and Area Action Plans.
Enfield have taken the latest planvu Version 3 which provides users with responsive design for tablet and mobile use as well as increased speed of map information display. Other improvements in Version 3 include:
- Hiding the Legend Panel, so the map fills the screen
- Restyled icons and buttons
- Autocomplete on searching
- Increased speed of map display
The solution is hosted and maintained by gi Perspective under a Service Level Agreement.
The interactive online map can be accessed direct from the Council Planning Policy page and at planvu.
Further reading
You may find the following blog articles helpful in understanding our interactive mapping solutions using planvu.
– 5 Things you can do with Planvu in 2 minutes
– 5 Examples of Intuitive Interactive Mapping